Our Work: Case Studies, Industries, Technologies and Countries
Case Studies

Educational Unit Strategy If you are an international investment company, with an accelerator and co-working space, what do you need now? Learn how we were able to present a coherent business case for an educational unit within this international company.

Liferay Intranet A regional real estate company was looking for a common platform for all office information, a collaboration tool and a Sales Process management tool. Learn how members of the team implemented Liferay in record time.
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Health Care CMS Implementation: Moving to HP Teamsite's latest version was all about new capabilities and tools for agile site management. Read to see how members of our team helped this large Bay Area children's hospital succeed.

Document Assembly and Taxonomy Implementation A large institution with hundreds of financial products needed to produce 1,300 documents in 27 languages automatically. Read how we guided the technical and business teams through this complex implementation.
The following is a short list of the technologies that our team members and partners have expertise in.
Business Applications
▪ HP Autonomy Teamsite,
▪ HP Autonomy LiveSite Services
▪ HP/Autonomy IDOL search engine
▪ Liferay Portal
▪ WordPress
▪ Drupal
▪ Microsoft Dynamics
▪ Oracle ERP
▪ SugarCRM
Data and Database
▪ Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Postgres, SQL
▪ NoSQL: Mongo, Cassandra
▪ Hadoop, Map Reduce
Development Languages
▪ NodeJS
▪ PHP, Python, Ruby
▪ C#, .Net
▪ Java, Servlets, WebServices, J2EE
▪ Spring: MVC, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Core, Security
▪ Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Hybernate, JPA
DevOps and CI/CD
▪ Chef, Puppet, Ansible
▪ Docker
▪ Bash, CSH, KSH, Python
▪ Powershell scripting
▪ Maven, Nexus, Jenkins, Ant
▪ svn, git
Front End
▪ Javascript, AJAX, Jquery,
▪ Bootstrap, Angular or similar frameworks
▪ Responsive Design
Mobile Development
▪ iOS
▪ Android
▪ Frameworks: Appcelerator, Phonegap
Systems Admin
▪ Linux (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.)
▪ Unix (Solaris)
▪ Windows Server 2008, 2012
▪ Microsoft Exchange 2010 Support
▪ Amazon AWS admin experience
Server Software
▪ JBoss
▪ Tomcat and similar
▪ ATG commerce Server
▪ Microsoft IIS
▪ IBM WebSphere
▪ Oracle Weblogic
▪ VMWare Server, vCenter
▪ OpenStack, Juju
▪ Hyper-V